Friday, 29 January 2010

About Asha

Asha is a community health and development society dedicated to helping the urban poor of Delhi. Formed in 1988, Asha works with around 350,000 slum dwellers in 48 slum colonies around the city of Delhi, enabling them to transform their lives. "Asha" is the Hindi word for "hope". Asha aims to give people living in slums the chance to realise their potential, regardless of their ethnic background, caste or religious beliefs.

The deprivation and hardship of slum conditions often cause people to feel helpless. This leads to apathy and acceptance of the situation, and people can become trapped in a downward spiral of poverty and despair. Asha has devised a solution that covers healthcare, community involvement and empowerment, and environmental improvements. Combined, these initiatives give people living in slum colonies the confidence and the means to make positive changes that last. To find out more, visit

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